About GFS

What is GFS?
The Graduate Financial Support system (GFS) is the online application used at Stanford to administer assistantships and fellowships for graduate students as well as appointments for Postdoctoral Scholars and support for other non-matriculated graduate students in accordance with Stanford’s policies. The GFS Center is integrated into Axess and relies on data and integrations with the Student Records, Students Financials, HR and Payroll modules in PeopleSoft.
Who uses GFS?
Department Administrators and Student Services Officers who administer graduate financial support at Stanford. Most graduate financial support is determined by schools and/or departments on the basis of academic merit and availability of funding. Students often receive funding from multiple sources; GFS allows the student’s home department to coordinate all of the supports the student receives.
How Can I Stay Informed?
Referencing this website is a good way to start! Any time there are current or upcoming technical issues or enhancements for the GFS Center information will be posted at the top of this page, the GFS Center in Axess, and/or mailed to the Graduate Financial Support Mailing list.
To subscribe to the Graduate Financial Support Mailing List:
- Go to http://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/gradfinsupport
- In the “Subscribing to gradfinsupport” section, fill in your email address, your name (optional), and select whether you want to receive list mail once a day in digest mode.
- Click Subscribe.
- OR, to subscribe via email, send a message to gradfinsupport-join@lists.stanford.edu. The subject and body of the message will be ignored, so it doesn't matter what you put there.
Provide Feedback
Do you have an enhancement suggestion or other comment about the GFS Center or this website? Send us an email.
Other Systems for Supporting Students
- Any support for Undergraduates must flow through the Financial Aid Office to ensure compliance with the University’s need-based philosophy and coordination with other aid.
- Use the Purchasing and Reimbursement systems for the reimbursement of education-related travel. The Travel Office will determine taxability of such payments (see Administrative Guide 5.4.2, Travel Expenses, Section 11, "Student Travel and Tax Issues).
- GFS can be used for onetime stipend payments for specific purposes, for example, for books, computer supplies or other materials that the student will keep (as opposed to departmental purchases), or for prizes and other awards (processed as a Stipend).
- Hourly employment is managed in the University’s Payroll system. Admin Guide 10.2.2 outlines policies related to hourly employment for Graduate Students.
- The Financial Aid Offices use the PeopleSoft financial aid module to manage student loans and other supports provided to professional students.